Table of Contents
Music First
2 Vinyl albums from the 80-ies
Mission Completed
Turning Point

The story of FUTUREWORLD ORCHESTRA – point by point
Futureworld Orchestra is founded in 1980 by Robert Pot and Gerto Heupink who both have a great interest in synthesizer-technology. After experimenting for several months, they decided to contact a Dutch record-company (Dureco) to, eventually release their music. The first recording session comprised the tracks: Desire, I’m not afraid of the future, Airborne and Casablanca Night. Desire was the first single released in October 1981 which became a Dutch hit instantly. Interest from all over Europe came right away and international releases followed quickly. Robert and Gerto travelled throughout Europe for promotional purposes while remaining to act as a studio-project.
Robert Pot is born in Nijverdal, a quiet village in the country of Holland. Since he was 14 he began to develop a great predilection for symphonic oriented rock music.
Groups like: Genesis, Yes, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, and later on Camel, Asia and UK, became his favorites, in addition to which Tony Banks, Rick Wakeman and Keith Emerson became his greatest inspirers.
Keyboards is a keyword in Roberts musical life. At the age of 16 Robert bought his first keyboard, an organ build by a neighbor. As a student electronics he soon began to modify the keyboard to develop his own, unique sounds. He realized that synthesizers had a great future and were to create a brand new view on making music. By delivering newspapers and to work as a DJ in local discotheques in his spare time, Robert earned the money he invested in the newest synthesizers and recording equipment. A few years later he had expanded his equipment at a level of a professional recording-studio, where he started to record his first compositions. In 1980 Robert met Gerto Heupink who also worked with synthesizers and recording-equipment and…Future World Orchestra was born. Also because of the world-wide economic depression in the recording-industry, FWO, unfortunately stopped recording together in 1987. Robert though continued solo, altering the name Future World Orchestra into Futureworld Orchestra.

Robert, more a studio musician and producer than a live-performer, maintained his effort, to keep writing and recording despite some major setbacks in his personal life. Until now, he has developed himself further as a songwriter, producer and engineer and has written various musical works for radio, television and commercial media-productions.
One of Roberts highlights, is his collaboration with Rob and Ferdi Bolland which resulted in the realization of: Darwin – The Evolution, an album with international allure. Not in the least because of the collaboration with: Colin Blunstone (Zombies, Allan Parson’s Project), Ian Gillan (Deep Purple), (late) Falco (Rock me Amadeus) and Barclay James Harvest and Suzi Quattro.
Besides making music, Robert is a dedicated Instrument Rated Private Pilot. In 2001 he started flight training in Florida (USA) and has accumulated several hundreds of flying hours.
Did you know….. in 2013 Robert escaped a serious accident flying over Ft. Pierce Florida, while performing the “after take-off checklist”, passing 1000 feet, the engine-head kind of exploded, causing heavy vibrations. Landing with 15 knots tail wind he touched down half way the runway, hardly able to come to a full stop in time. He eventually was able to clear the runway and parked the plane on the side of the taxiway.
Robert afterwards: “Well, in the end it was my best flying lesson ever!”
Futureworld Orchestra released the following:
- 2 vinyl Albums – Mission Completed (1982) & Turning Point (1983)
- 6 Singles – Desire, I’m not afraid of the future, E.T., Roulette, Don’t go and S.O.S. Here my Call
- Various singles outside the Netherlands
- CD Album: The Best of Future World Orchestra (1986)
- CD Album: Hidden Files (2000)
- CD Album: Regenerated (2010)
- 4 Download Only Albums: Hidden Files V2, Organized, Oceans of Inifinity, Pictures at an Exhibition
- Double CD Album: Mission Completed XL & Turning Point XL (2022)
For more information and listening opportunity go to Discography
FIRST TIME RELEASE of the 2 famous FUTURE WORLD ORCHESTRA eighties albums on one awesome DOUBLE CD. Mission Completed XL & TurningPoint XL are Future World Orchestra’s original albums from the eighties, containing hits like:
“Desire”, “I’m not afraid of the future”, “Theme from E.T.” and “Roulette”. The XL stands for the 14 bonus tracks which brings the total time to over 157 minutes of music and the total number of tracks to a whopping 35.
With the release of the 2 eighties albums in December 2022, a brand new horizon immediately looms. In January 2023, Futureworld Orchestra will release an brand-new album containing exclusively instrumental works.
This album which working title is: TO THE WORLD OF THE FUTURE, can be labelled as a true synthesizer album.
Request for your SUPPORT
Help FWO grow
So there you have it. My story with Futureworld Orchestra.
I hope I was able to stir something in you because I would love to let more people worldwide both old and young getting aqcuainted to Futureworld Orchestra and will feel inspired by the music. To achieve this, I truelly will be needing your support and assistance.
I therefore ask of you with great humility and respect to help me to grow the Futureworld Orchestra audience worldwide.
Now I know that things do not happen automatically and everything takes effort, time and maybe even some money. Therefore, if you would like to be a part of Futureworld Orchestra’s growth, I have set myself up to accommodate you as much as possible and provide you with as much valuable information as possible.
For that, I am happy to say that I am easy to connect with and available for you and your business upon your request. Would you like to recieve a physical product? Please let me know! Would I be a guest on your radio-programme or pod-cast show? Sure thing! Just let me know! I see attention as a great privilege!
To make your life easier I have created a special inquiry form at the bottom of this page with just a few initial and key questions to discover who you are and get to know you a little better. I hope you don’t mind?!
Finally, as an extra incentive, Futureworld Orchestra also has an affilate programme in which you too can participate. Information is given below.
Invitation to become an AFFILIATE
Make money from all music sales by Futureworld Orchestra!
As an artist, I of course welcome any support and promotion. To stimulate and motivate people (perhaps like you) in their promotional and supporting efforts, I have decided to share a piece of my revenue as my token of appreciation. Futureworld Orchestra therefore has a very attractive affiliate programme instigated, especially for people perhaps like you, who might be motivated to support Futureworld Orchestra.
The fees I pay out can be as much as 50% of the net selling price of all FWO musical products and depend, among other things, on the quality and scope of your promotion.
Terms and conditions of the affiliate programme can be found HERE.
Underneath there already is a very simple application form to apply for an affilliate account. It is totally free of charge en easy to set up!
Should you however have any questions or comments about this topic, please shoot me an e-mail. I (or one of my team members) will be happy to help you getting started.
Robert’s availability
Although I am generally short of time (who isn’t these days), I am still happy to be available to support you in your work if it is at least music-related.
I’m predominantly interested and prefer to talk about FWO (of course) music in general and like the opportunities for young artists nowadays. Consequently, I will gladly be a guest on your show or give interviews if you would like me to.
When seriously interested in a personal conversation with me, please fill in the interview/conversation request form below and I will get back to you soon. Thanks.